First International Conference on
Unconventional Catalysis, Reactors and Applications

Zaragoza-Spain, 16-18 October 2019
Plenaries & Keynotes

  • Prof. Dionisios Vlachos, University of Delaware, USA
    "Computation-driven catalyst discovery"
  • Prof. Asier Unciti-Broceta, University of Edinburg, UK
    "Biocompatible catalytic devices and bioorthogonally-activated prodrugs to mediate local chemotherapy"
  • Prof. Richard Van de Sanden, Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research
    "Recent trends in renewable energy driven chemistry for energy conversion and storage: plasma chemistry as the special case"
  • Dr. Jean-Luc DUBOIS, ARKEMA, France
    "What 3D printing / Additive manufacturing can deliver to chemical industries?"
  • Prof. João Rocha, University of Aveiro, Portugal
    "Luminescent silicates and coordination polymers: nanothermometry meets catalysis?"
  • Prof. Jorge Gascon, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
    "Spatially structured catalysts and reactors for the transformation of CO2 to useful chemicals
  • Prof. Rafael Luque, Universtity of Cordoba, Spain
    "Mechanochenical catalyst design and applications"
  • Prof. Evgeny Rebrov, Warwick University, UK
    "Structured reactors under inductive heating"
  • Dr Jose Luis Hueso, University of Zaragoza, Spain
    "Direct heating of heterogeneous catalysts by microwaves: Minimizing unwanted gas phase chemistry"